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Case Study

Pressure drilling service cuts drilling time in half

Utilizing Sperry Drilling Services’ GeoBalance™ Managed Pressure Drilling service, the operator was able to measure, record and display important variables

Case Study

RockStrong system anti-jamming technology in Pacific

RockStrong Full Closure System, which combines anti-jamming technology with a full closure catching mechanism, ensures reliable & efficient wellbore isolation.

Case Study

Drilling Solution guides horizontal hole to difficult target

Sperry Drilling services deployed an optimized drilling solution which was ultimately key in guiding record-length horizontal hole in Peninsular Malaysia.

Data Sheet

RMT-3D™ 2 1⁄8-in. reservoir monitor tool - Data sheet

The Reservoir Monitor Tool 3-Detector™ (RMT-3D™) pulsed-neutron tool solves for water, oil, and gas saturations within reservoirs to help increase production.


Multilaterals provide unconventional approach to shale reservoirs

A pilot project in a major shale play represents one of the first attempts to measure how multilateral wells could improve costs and operational efficiencies.


Halliburton LWD log interpretation charts - chart book

The LWD Log Interpretation Charts document is a chart book designed to provide information useful for the optimal utilization of Halliburton equipement.

Data Sheet

QuickPulse™ automated directional gamma service - Data sheet

The QuickPulse automated directional gamma service delivers quick and reliable downhole information in long-lateral drilling to help maximize their asset value.

Case Study

Operator maximizes lateral well contact in complex reservoir

iCruise® intelligent rotary steerable system places well accurately in zone, delivering high performance, greater reliability, and maximum efficiency.


Well integrity services - Brochure

Halliburton's Well Integrity Services team is at the heart of all E&P projects, using industry-leading technology designed to mitigate risk and uncertainty.

Data Sheet

Skidding system hydraulic workover structure - Data sheet

The Halliburton engineered skidding system design with access stairs enables skidding of hydraulic workover (HWO) units, improving safety in drilling projects.

Results per page: 102550