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Data Sheet

GeoTap® formation pressure testing service - Data sheet

GeoTap® formation pressure testing servicet provides direct formation pressure measurements on demand

Data Sheet

Geo-Pilot® Duro - Data sheet

The Geo-Pilot® Duro™ rotary steerable system (RSS) builds on the proven point-the-bit family of Geo-Pilot systems from Halliburton Sperry Drilling

Data Sheet

Geo-Pilot® Dirigo - Data sheet

The Geo-Pilot® Dirigo rotary steerable system builds on the proven capabilities of the Geo-Pilot point-the-bit RSS family

Data Sheet

GEM™ elemental analysis tool - Data sheet

GEM™ elemental analysis tool provides precise evaluation of complex mineralogies

Case Study

Discovered system of multibranch inflow control

Showcases the world's first 9 5/8-inch FlexRite® Multibranch Inflow Control system, explained are the design, development and installation in the North Sea.

Case Study

Fluid solutions integrated approach reduces days on well

Discover how Halliburton's real-time fluid solutions reduced drilling costs and increased productivity by 30% in the Marcellus Shale formation, New York.

Case Study

Wireline solution saves client 80 hours in rig time

Aker Energy has recognized Halliburton Wireline as a benchmark for both service quality and execution in an ultradeepwater exploratory campaign in Ghana.

Case Study

BaraSolve® solids control strategies help offshore operator save USD 1.1 million per extended-reach well - Case study

Customized Baroid system solves drilling challenges and delivers higher levels of performance.

Data Sheet

DrillDOC® drilling collar - Data sheet

The DrillDOC® drilling downhole optimization collar provides real-time measurements on full drillstring dynamics to help improve drilling efficiency


About Sperry Drilling - Brochure

At Sperry Drilling, we collaborate with you to deliver engineered drilling solutions and reservoir insight to help you maximize asset value.

Results per page: 102550