
Discover resources from Halliburton

Showing 1-10 of 228 results

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Case Study

CrystalSeal® service in WAG injection well

Discover how Halliburton's CrystalSeal® bullheaded into the WAG injection well. Two stages were deployed until a significant pressure response was achieved.

Case Study

DeepQuest HT stimulation unlocks gas reservoir

Discover how Halliburton conquers both high pressure and high temperature tight gas challenges, showing a DeepQuest® HT success story in Saudi Arabia.

Case Study

Solving friction reduction devices interference

Discover how Halliburton's QuickPulse™ tackles downhole data challenges in a two-mile reservoir, further enhancing drilling efficiency in the Permian Basin.

Data Sheet

Evo-Trieve and Evo-Trieve HP bridge plugs - Data sheet

The Evo-Trieve® bridge plug is a high-performance retrievable monobore plugging device that may be set at a predetermined point

Case Study

Eliminating NPT and maintaining well plan trajectory

Halliburton's real-time advanced survey corrections eliminate non-productive time and maintain well plan trajectory, which reduced well time in Canada.

Case Study

Improving ROP performance in 12-1/4” section

Halliburton enables an operator in Texas to achieve faster drilling with improved rate of penetration performance in the 12-1/4” intermediate section.

Case Study

H2Zero® conformance service acheived longer treatment life

Conventional cement vs. H2Zero® Conformance service (deep reservoir penetration). Longer treatment life was achieved with H2Zero® conformance service.

Case Study

Drilling 8-½” lateral in one run, setting ROP record

Halliburton's drilling sets a record with its iCruise intelligent rotary steerable system and GeoTech drill bit, perfecting drilling efficiency in North Dakota.

Case Study

GOM operator lowers deepwater drilling days & campaign costs

Sperry Drilling multi-discipline collaboration and analysis helps improves well delivery time by roughly 24% and reduces drilling costs in Gulf of Mexico.

Case Study

Gulf of Mexico operator geosteers slim hole 100% in pay zone

Discover how Geo-pilot® RSS technology helped extend reservoir length 212% more than expected, staying 100 percent in zone in the shallow of the Gulf of Mexico.

Results per page: 102550