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Data Sheet

Particle Wizard™ particle management software - Data sheet

This advanced cementing software carefully evaluates lost circulation material selection and concentration for optimal passage, suspendability, and transport.

Case Study

Total S.A. drills to record depths in HP/HT well, saves $5MM

Engineered M/LWD solution delivers reliable measurements in extreme temperature environment on Norwegian Continental Shelf, reducing well time by seven days.

Case Study

Successful managed pressure drilling and cementing operation

GeoBalance® applications helps maintain wellbore integrity in narrow margin. This avoids two weeks of NPT for Shell offshore operation in Asia Pacific.

Case Study

Santos adopts engineered solution to avoid stuck pipe incident

Customized drilling fluid increases ROP, saving 1.5 hours of rig time per vertical well, reduces safety exposure, and lowers well cost by USD 600,000.

Case Study

Operator diagnoses root cause of back pressure in pipeline

Halliburton's Innervue pipesuite diagnostic service eliminates the need for having intrusive tools to gather pipeline profile data for operator in India.

Case Study

Operator saves USD 450,000 in abrasive high-temperature well

Operator saves usd 450k in abrasive, high-temperature well turbopower turbodrill with diamond impregnated bits doubles ROP and accelerates production schedules.

Data Sheet

SPECTRUM® IRIS real time high resolution down-view video

Capable of providing full color, high resolution video in real time, the IRIS camera brings a clearer view of the borehole environment than ever before.


UK Modern Slavery Act Statement 2022

In this statement, Halliburton demonstrates compliance with UK Modern Slavery Act by outlining ongoing efforts/policies to prevent slavery and human trafficking.


Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee Charter

The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of the Board of Directors of Halliburton Company is composed of a minimum of three independent directors.


Lead Independent Director Charter

The Lead Independent Director at Halliburton coordinates activities among non-management Directors and ensures timely information flow to the Board.

Results per page: 102550