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Data Sheet

Back pressure valve lubricator - Data sheet

Designed to block the pressure coming upstream from the well during the removal of the BOP and during installation of or repairs to the production tree.

Data Sheet

Well control readiness audit - data sheet

Tool used to identify and analyze potential risks and equipment failure to help prevent loss of surface well control proactively.

Data Sheet

Valve Removal Hydraulic Lubricator - Data sheet

A modular lubricator with no welded connections allows components to be changed in the field.

Data Sheet

GeoESP Intake Solid Control Built for High-flow Pumps - Data sheet

GeoESP Intake is designed explicitly for geothermal applications where solids and scales may be an issue.

Data Sheet

Relief Well Directional Planning - Data sheet

Establish direct communication with a target well by directionally drilling a wellbore to intercept a specific downhole location to overcome the influx sufficiently.

Data Sheet

15K gate-valve drilling unit - Data sheet

Specially designed to drill or enlarge gate valves or ball valves that have become inoperable and threaten well integrity.


Corporate Governance Guidelines - Book

The Board of Directors of Halliburton Company (the “Company”) has adopted these Guidelines to assist in the exercise of its responsibilities.

Data Sheet

FlexRite® Selective Access (SA) Multilateral Completion System - Data sheet

The FlexRite® SA is designed to select mechanical lateral access for multizone stimulation and intervention

Data Sheet

Cryogenic freeze services - Data sheet

Provides a temporary ice plug to maintain pressure control while facilitating the repair or replacement of defective surface components.

Data Sheet

7-in. gate-valve drilling unit - Data sheet

The 7-in. gate-valve drilling unit is specially designed to drill or enlarge gate valves or ball valves that have become inoperable and threaten well integrity.

Results per page: 102550