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The health, safety, and environment committee charter

Halliburton's health, safety and environment committee of the Board of Directors shall consist of at least three directors, all of whom shall be independent.

Data Sheet

PMR Passive Magnetic Ranging - Data sheet

The Passive Magnetic Ranging (PMR) service utilizes the remnant magnetic fields on target well tubulars to provide a distance and direction between wellbores.

Data Sheet

RMRS™ rotary magnet ranging system - Data sheet

The RMRS™ rotary magnet ranging system provides active magnetic ranging to accurately determine the position of nearby wellbores and reduce survey errors.

Data Sheet

WellSpot™ active magnetic ranging system - Data sheet

The WellSpot™ active magnetic ranging system achieves an industry high success rate with over 300 wellbore interceptions.

Data Sheet

SmartPlex® II downhole control system - Data sheet

The SmartPlex® II downhole control system is an electro-hydraulic multi-drop system that provides reliable zonal control of multiple valves in a single wellbore

Data Sheet

Aurora™ surface access magnetic ranging service - Data sheet

Aurora provides accurate well placement in SAGD applications without downhole intervention, maximizing reservoir recovery and reducing logistic challenges.

Data Sheet

MGT™ magnetic guidance tool - Data sheet

The MGT™ magnetic guidance tool is an active magnetic ranging solution that allows parallel wells to be drilled within highly accurate separation tolerances.


2023 HALPAC Annual Report

Halliburton values the contributions of its dedicated employees, recognizing their impact not only to HALPAC but also in the communities where we live and work.

Data Sheet

Diamond Shoe Brush Tool

The Diamond Shoe brush tool is designed to clean wellbore casing by scouring, removing mud, and other restrictive material from the inner casing wall.

Data Sheet

VersaFlex ELH lower PBR

The Halliburton VersaFlex® expandable liner hanger (ELH) lower polished bore receptacle (PBR) is used in conjunction with VersaFlex and XtremeGrip® ELH tech.

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