
Deep water

Specific Challenge

Poor hole conditions required casing the hole immediately with complex casing


North America



  • Reducing drilling operation costs
  • Identifying stimulation zones quickly
  • Avoiding water


  • Obtaining gas saturation information in cased holes
  • Halliburton’s TMD-3D service saves the day(s)
  • Unique gas-sensitive measurement tool


  • Data analyzed within 24 hours, keeping operator on schedule
  • Cased-hole logging reduced operating costs
  • Impressive results led to operator’s continued use of TMD-3DSM service


To keep costs low when infill drilling in tight gas fields, an operator drilled long intervals through multiple zones in a single-bit trip. Poor hole conditions required casing the hole immediately with complex casings. However, to properly fracture the well, the operator still needed to know how to identify pay zones. Halliburton recommended its TMD-3DSM service, which uses multiple detectors, including a unique SATGTM gas-sensitive measurement tool, to accurately determine fluid saturations in surrounding rock – even through casing. Halliburton logged and analyzed more than 4,000 feet in less than 24 hours. Using this technique, the operator stayed on schedule and successfully stimulated the well. Initial production exceeded three million cubic feet per day. The operator has now made Halliburton’s TMD-3D service part of its standard operating procedures.


Economic drivers required drilling quickly to stay on schedule. But, drilling in long intervals through multiple formations led to poor hole conditions that necessitated immediate casing – excluding openhole logging. The operator needed to perform tight gas formation evaluation through multiple completions. 

 Water often occurs where gas is expected, so accurate logging is necessary. In situations where no openhole logging information is available, cased hole logging is required. Identifying pay zones can be very challenging since the evaluation is done through complex casing(s) and cement. 

 In tight gas wells, water production can kill gas production quickly. Accurately determining the size and location of water and gas zones in the reservoir was essential for the operator to develop a fracturing plan that would stimulate gas production without the risk of rapid water incursion.


Wellsite surface analysis after running the CoreVault RFP Halliburton acquired the necessary data through multiple casings using its unique TMD-3D service. The TMD-3D service provides a comprehensive suite of measurements that evaluate the pay zones. The measurements help identify where to frac and in how many stages.

 Halliburton provided the operator accurate data and analysis in just 24 hours and fracturing proceeded on schedule. The TMD-3D service eliminated the potential delays of openhole logging in poor conditions. And because it can be provided without a rig, the operator saved an entire day of rig time. 

 The TMD-3D service includes the unique SATG gas-sensitive measurement tool. It has reduced dependence on formation lithology and water salinities. Its improved sensitivity helps identify gas accurately and enables the operator to avoid fracturing into water-bearing formations.


Halliburton’s TMD-3DSM service helped the operator reduce rig time and stay on schedule. Logging in a cased hole also reduced lost-in-hole and well-loss risk. The rig was able to move to drill new wells while the cased-hole operation was conducted riglessly. This saved rig costs and improved efficiency in rig drilling turnover. Putting more wells in production improved the economic returns for the operator. The TMD-3D service provided accurate reservoir information quickly so the operator was able to successfully stimulate the well. Initial production was three million cubic feet of gas per day. The operator was pleased with the results and hired Halliburton to be their primary cased-hole provider for this service.