When you are looking to isolate producing zones in cased or openhole environments, Halliburton Swellpacker zonal isolation systems offer a simple, proven, and reliable solution. The system can swell up to 200%, sealing the annulus around the pipe, achieving effective zonal isolation while retaining seal integrity. Our engineered elastomers are available in three different types:
Count on our Swellpacker systems to provide you with an additional isolation barrier, helping you reduce well construction and completion costs, save rig time, and minimize operational risks.
Deep Water
Operator in Latin America saves $3 million by reducing rig time and decreasing completion time by 10 days.
CASE STUDYEnhance well integrity with reliable oil-swelling, water-swelling, and hybrid-swelling solutions.
Achieves complete and effective zonal isolation by sealing the annulus around the pipe. Whether oil- or water-swelling, each Swellpacker system is bonded to a base pipe. A cable feed-through version is available, reducing operational risks of failure as well as to allow for faster installation.
Get the specs
Simplifies logistics, reduces costs, and achieves effective zonal isolation by conveniently sliding onto any non-upset casing or tubing string.
feet, deepest MD run
maximum number of packers run in one well
inches of largest OD built
inches of smallest mandrel
Halliburton Swellpacker zonal isolation systems are based on the swelling properties of rubber in hydrocarbons, water, or both. Once deployed, the rubber retains its flexibility, holding significant differential pressures while running in hole. Additionally, self-healing properties allow Swellpacker systems to adapt to shifts in the formation over time, thus maintaining seal integrity.