Designed for high-pressure, high-volume large bore completion systems
The Halliburton Otis® RPT® no-go landing nipple system provides a means of running a series of positive location landing nipples in a tubing string with minimum restriction. Otis RPT no-go landing nipples are designed to accept Otis RPT and RPTS lock mandrels.
The Otis RPT and RPTS no-go lock mandrels locate on top of the nipple’s polished bore; therefore, there are no secondary restrictions normally associated with bottom no-go profiles. This feature makes Otis RPT systems well suited for high-pressure, high-volume large bore completions. Otis RPT and RPTS lock mandrels in any given size range are designed to use the same running tool and pulling tool.
Some of the original RPT series lock mandrels were designed with large no-go profiles that were not compatible with the 1/16-in. sealbore ID reductions between nipples that are currently available. For these sizes, the RPTS series of locks was developed. All RPTS lock mandrels incorporate no-go profiles that allow a 1/16-in. sealbore stagger in the completion design. The reduction in no-go OD on the RPTS lock mandrels does not affect their pressure rating.