
A reliable method for relative placement between wells

Operators need a reliable way to know the relative placement between two or more wells with a larger separation distance to safely drill in the same area. The RMRS™ rotary magnet ranging system provides active magnetic ranging to accurately determine the position of nearby wellbores and reduce survey errors.

The RMRS system works with well-to-well separation distances up to 262 ft (80 m), which from the reference or target wellbore, the RMRS sensors detect the magnetic field generated by magnets embedded in the specially equipped extended-gauge bit or bit sub in the drilling or pursuit well.

Applications include:

  • Stacked horizontal well pairs for steam-assisted gravity design (SAGD)
  • Infill drilling and collision avoidance
  • Wellbore intersections for well control
  • Pipeline Crossings
  • Observation well placement
  • Coalbed methane degasification wells

Drilling the majority of SAGD pairs worldwide

Halliburton has deployed the RMRS Rotary magnet ranging system in more than 1000 wells globally. 


  • Extensive global experience in Anti-Collision and interception
  • Provides greater survey accuracy than conventional surveying technology
  • Allows tight well spacing, including perpendicular approach angles


  • Determines well placement with an accuracy of ±2 to 5 percent of the separation distance
  • Improves collision avoidance with look-ahead capabilities
  • Eliminates influence from outside magnetic sources
  • Works at larger separation distances
  • Rated to 200°C

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