Mechanical, Operational and Chemical Solutions for Downstream Operators.
Halliburton has a strong history of delivering process treatment solutions to refineries and petrochemical plants of all sizes. Whether it is in the United States or around the world, we have helped operators ensure equipment reliability, improve throughput, advance plant optimization, and maximize asset value with mechanical, operational, and chemical solutions.
No matter where on the spectrum the crude falls, we have experience treating it—everything from diluted bitumen, conventional crude, tight oil crude, and heavy oil blends, including some of the world’s most challenging opportunity crudes.
READ CASE STUDYTo control the impact of corrosion on plant processes and assets, Halliburton offers several corrosion control products and treatment services for process equipment, including crude unit overhead systems.
Our solutions manage pH in a broad range of environments, limit potential fouling and control pitting so that assets are protected and there is no unplanned downtime, resulting in a loss of production and revenue.
Process antifoulants can help operators avoid significant issues that impact the bottom line. Units that are fouling have less throughput, are at risk for corrosion, operate inefficiently (e.g., heat transfer), likely to shut down for equipment repair, and lack the flexibility to efficiently process.
Halliburton’s antifoulant programs offer operators the ability to identify issues and put in place remediation and preventable long-term solutions. Our solutions limit the deposition of material (inorganic and organic) on heat-transfer surfaces in high-temperature environments, minimize the contact of corrosive fluids on metals, react with radicals to create stable molecules, and reduce the catalytic activity of metals to reduce polymerization.
Halliburton offers solutions to separate solid, gas, and liquid phases in process treatment units such as coke drums, desalters, fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) units, fractionators, overhead systems, raw crude tanks, and slop and recovered oil tanks.
Our solutions improve dehydration, limit oil from entering the effluent brine, and remove salts, amines, metals, and other solids.